Valuation & Acquisition Management
Knowing the value of your assets and making informed decisions
Whether you want to position yourself on an asset acquisition, sale, or repositioning, we help you make objective, data-driven and well-informed decisions.
Asset due diligence
Physical and financial due diligence, providing a clear and objective assessment: property condition, CAPEX & lifecycle costs forecasts.
Highest and best value analysis, cash-flow valuation and market value, our experts will provide you with a comprehensive and objective analysis of what your asset is worth.
360° assessment
Due diligence, market intelligence, property appraisal and business analysis to navigate through the acquisition process, from go/no-go decision, negotiations and closing.
Acquisition Project Management
Our teams will handle all aspects of an asset due diligence & acquisition, team up and coordinate stakeholders, from land survey to share purchase agreement redaction and financing.