Trade register no.: B223315
Legal form: S.C.A.
Date of establishment: 28.03.2018
Postal address: 153-155C Rue du Kiem L8030 Strassen
Telephone: +352 691 164 111


This information is provided on an indicative basis only No guarantee is given regarding its quality, accuracy or completeness.

REAM reserves the right to modify the content of the website or make it partially or totally inaccessible at any time.


All the brands, logos or elements included on the pages of this website are protected by the Law of 18 April 2001 on copyright, related rights and databases.

Any reproduction, representation or distribution, in full or in part, the content of this website on any other medium or by any other process, constitutes an infringement and is prohibited without the express authorisation of REAM.


The user accepts that any access to or use of the website is under their own liability. REAM accepts no liability for direct or indirect damage that may be caused by the use of the website, in particular in relation to the interruption, shutdown or malfunction of the website that may result due to downtime for maintenance or the updating of the REAM IT system, technical failures or the overloading of the network, faults in the telephone lines, errors, negligence or mistakes by suppliers, Internet services or a third party, or an Internet virus.


The REAM website may contain links to other sites. In this respect, we endeavour to include only links to sites that share our level of requirements in terms of confidentiality. However, we are not responsible for the content of other websites or their practices regarding personal information.


© All rights reserved, REAM, 2019. All the texts, images, graphical elements, sound files, animated files, and video files and their availability on the REAM website are covered by copyright and other protections that apply to intellectual property. These items cannot be copied for commercial or distribution purposes, and cannot be modified or used on other websites. Certain pages of the REAM website also contains images covered by intellectual property rights belonging to their suppliers.


The personal data collected on our website is processed in accordance with the provisions of Regulation n° 2016/679, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which has been directly applicable since 25 May 2018, with regard to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data. You may be asked to provide personal data via registration forms or when subscribing to the newsletter.

REAM will only process personal data with the aim of allowing you to use tools for information purposes. Your data will not be used for other purposes and will not be kept in our systems beyond the period required for the completion of this objective.

Personal data is processed strictly confidentially and will not be transmitted to third parties, unless you were informed of the identity of the recipients, where applicable, when the data was collected, and provided that it is required for the same purposes.

You have the right to access, modify or object to the processing of your personal data. To exercise these rights, please contact REAM at the following address:


The Luxembourg courts have jurisdiction to hear any disputes relating to the use, interpretation and execution of the information and data present on the website.

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